Removing Hidden Network Devices



Greetings -

I have a WinXP Home that is on a wireless access point and the original
installer (after repeated attempts/troubles) continued installing the
wireless adapter and now it shows 7 different adapters under hidden devices
in Device Manager. How can I remove all these devices so the user can just
have one wireless device? My hunch is that all these devices are somehow
conflicting with each other. I have tried to remove these one at a time, and
I get an error stating that the device is required for bootup.

So - obviously I am missing something here. Any suggestions or pointers to a
resolve would be most appreciated.


Hi Scott,

Go to Start/Run/CMD. At the command prompt, type the following commands and
press enter after each line:

start devmgmt.msc

Click the View menu and select Show hidden devices. Right click the device
you want to delete and click Properties. Click the Details tab.

Select Device Instance ID. The value of Device Instance ID is the hardware
key of the device.

For example, if you see the value is Root\Image\0000, the full hardware key
is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\Image\0000

Then go to Start/Run/Regedit and navigate to the key. The data of the
Driver value is the software key of the device. Delete both the hardware
key and software key.

Added note: Network connections are listed here: 1, 2, 3, 4.....etc:


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