strSQl = Left$(strSQl, Len(strSQl) - 3) as a new line after the next i line.
Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP
(No private e-mails, please)
Santiago Gomez said:
I am building a SQL statement based on input from a text box on a form.
I am Splitting the textbox into separate words using the split function.
When I do the For loop to add the WHERE statement I have an extra 'OR' at
the end. How can I remove it?
Here is the code:
sqlCriteria = 'Like' (could also be 'Not Like')
sqlOperator = 'OR' (could also be 'AND')
x = Split(Me.txtFilterCriteria)
For i = 0 To UBound(x)
strSQl = strSQl & "(tblFeederLoads.[Notes #1]) " & sqlCriteria & "'*" & x(i)
& "*' " & sqlOperator
Next i