Remove unwanted macros...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michelle
  • Start date Start date


How can I remove the macros placed in my projects by other applications,
like Acorbat and WinFax. It doesn't seem like you can delete them from a
specific wookbook. Isn't there an AutoExec macro anymore?


1. Macros Installed by other Applications
These are NOT in any 'specific workbook', but usually
in an AddIn OR a Personal Workbook or a Template
(a Global Template in Word).
You may try to find them by:
ALT +F11 to go to Excel VBA.
In Project Explorer (Upper Left) you will see a
list of ALL open Workbooks, Add-Ins etc.
Note down their names.
You may then search for them - to disable them
add '_NO' to the end of the extension - HTML.XLA
becomes HTML.XLA_NO - this way you can name
them back when/if needed.
2. The AUTOEXEC Macro is no longer used. In Excel VBA
Project Explorer you will see:
VBAProject (Name of Open Workbook OR Book1)
Microsoft Excel Objects
Double-Click 'ThisWorkbook' and you will open a VB Window
where a number of Workbook Events are predefined. Among
them are Workbook_BeforeClose and (for you) Workbook_Open.
The Workbook_Open Event replaces AUTOEXEC.
Hope This Helps,

Pat Garard.

"One look is worth a thousand rumours."
Wen Hou, Warring States Period.
"Look twice!"
Pat Garard, 2003.
Excel starts workbooks that are in your XLStart folder (location varies with
versions of windows and excel, but you can use Windows Start Button|find to
search for XLStart).

Excel also starts workbooks/addins that are checked inside Tools|Addins.

If you're getting an error like:
Compile error in hidden module: AutoexecNew

Then take a look here:;EN-US;q307410
OFF: "Compile Error in Hidden Module" Error Message When You Start
Word or Excel

It points at PDFMaker.xla as being the culprit.

And if you're thinking you're getting errors from Winfax, you may want to look
New Workbooks Open Repeatedly Starting Excel

Excel also can open files that are referred to in the windows registry, but
usually cleaning up tools|addins or XLStart fixes most probles.

And autoexec doesn't mean anything special to excel. Excel (still supported)
does automatically run Auto_open (located in a General module) when the workbook
opens. (As well as the workbook_open procedure that Pat described.)