Remove item from Tools menu



Hi everyone Happy New Year
At some point in the distant past I put in place a Worksheet macro to run a
Drop Down list. Some where along the line I also added a command button to
the Tools menu, the purpose of which is now unclear as the Drop Down List Box
is permanently displayed. Macro places my selection in the active cell and
resets the Drop Down window to blank.
My problem is that what ever I do I can not permanently delete/remove this
button from the Tools menu. It is removed from the menu when I go
Tools>Customize>Tools>Right Click on button>Delete but when ever I open the
Workbook again it has returned. Not sure if relevant but if I create a new
Workbook while in the one with the 'rouge' button the problem is recreated.
Interestingly if I copy even a single cell from 'faulty' Workbook to a
'clean' one the 'rouge' button is inserted on the Tools menu of the new
'clean' Wrkbook. Again unsure if relevant but this particular Workbook was
originally created in Excel 95 where as I am now using 2003.
Only place I can find/see any reference to the 'Button' is when I open the
Workbook with Notepad.
Does any one have any suggestions?




Have you looked through the code to see if this button is being created


Thank you both for your suggestions.

Tom, will try out your suggestion as problem is only with this Book that was
created with Excel 95 and not any created with 2003

galimi, below is the code for the Drop down list. The Macro that is being
called when the 'rouge' button is clicked on has been deleted from the

Sub control_on_worksheet()
Dim mypick As Variant
With Worksheets("April 04 - April 05").DropDowns("Details")
' set the value of mypick to the index number
' of the item chosen in the drop-down.
mypick = .ListIndex
'extract the actual item and put it into
'the active cell on the worksheet.
ActiveCell.Value = .List(mypick)
'empty out the drop-down.
.Value = 0
End With
End Sub

Many thanks to you both



Hi Tom

Brilliant! Used the direct approach, no more 'rouge' button.

Many thanks


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