I have a HTML string that I want to remove all the <IMG ....... > tags
from... any regex's out there for this? I basically just want to remove all
the images from the HTML.. thanks!
I think the Regex pattern "<img\s.*?/>" should find all occurrences if
you use the SingleLine regex option. I briefly tested it in Expresso
with the following sample text - it seems to match everything it's
supposed to:
//////// Sample Text //////////
<title>Hello World</title>
<strong>Hello World</strong>
<img src="../someImage.PNG" alt="" />
<p>If you see the image(s) above or below I've screwed up my regex</
<iMg src="../someOtherImage.PNG" alt="" />
<td><IMG src="../yetAnotherImage.PNG" alt="" /></td>
<td><imgs src="../notAnImage.PNG" alt="Don't Select Me" /></td>
//////// End Sample Text //////////
Let me know how it works!
Seth Rowe