Remove existed old trust certificate ?


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Yes, I know that this is very badly worded but that is what appears on my wife's phone. She has a decidedly non-smart phone (?dumb phone), a Doro 635 which has served her needs perfectly well over the last 3 or 4 years. However, recently, the strangely worded message appears every few days with the options, yes or no. She has not removed it because we have no idea what it's all about.

We have put it into a Google search but cannot make head nor tail of what comes up, or even if the suggested sites are of any relevance.

I wonder if anyone out there has any idea what this actually means and whether we should go ahead and remove it. :)
Thanks for that, TC. :thumb:

I didn't find that one in my searches but it does seem very reassuring. Does seem a strange way to ask if you want to update. :confused: I suspect that "would you like to update?" would have made things much simpler. :D