Here is the code to do your copying. If a phone number is found in column
B, it is not copied to Column C:
Option Explicit
Public Sub LastRow()
Dim intLastRowColumnA As Long
Dim intLastRowColumnB As Long
Dim intColumnAPtr As Long
Dim intColumnBPtr As Long
Dim intColumnCPtr As Long
Dim MatchFound As Boolean
intColumnCPtr = 0
' **********************************
' Locate Last Row for Column A and B
' **********************************
intLastRowColumnA = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
intLastRowColumnB = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
' *****************************************************
' If A Phone Number Has A Match, Don't Copy To Column C
' *****************************************************
For intColumnAPtr = 1 To intLastRowColumnA
MatchFound = False
For intColumnBPtr = 1 To intLastRowColumnB
If Cells(intColumnAPtr, 1).Value = Cells(intColumnBPtr, 2) Then
MatchFound = True
Exit For
End If
Next intColumnBPtr
If Not MatchFound Then
intColumnCPtr = intColumnCPtr + 1
Cells(intColumnCPtr, 3).Value = Cells(intColumnAPtr, 1).Value
End If
Next intColumnAPtr
End Sub