LM_CTS via AccessMonster.com
I want to create a table to hold Department,Division,Bank, Service, and
ServiceDetail fields. There will be one Department for multiple Divisions,
Multiple Banks for each Division, Multiple Services for each Bank and so on.
Is there a way to organize this so I'm not entering the same record with one
field variation?
(Ex. Dept1, Div1, Bank1, Service1, ServiceDetail1... Dept1, Div1, Bank1,
Service1, ServiceDetail2...)
ServiceDetail fields. There will be one Department for multiple Divisions,
Multiple Banks for each Division, Multiple Services for each Bank and so on.
Is there a way to organize this so I'm not entering the same record with one
field variation?
(Ex. Dept1, Div1, Bank1, Service1, ServiceDetail1... Dept1, Div1, Bank1,
Service1, ServiceDetail2...)