V VINCE Jul 11, 2003 #1 Hello, How can I remove the dashes in a cell. For Eg. 259- 96-6987 to display 259966987. Thanks
G Greta Jul 11, 2003 #2 Go to Edit, Replace, and in the "Find What" spot put - ,then hit Replace All. It will yank your dashes and replace them with nothing...that should work. Greta
Go to Edit, Replace, and in the "Find What" spot put - ,then hit Replace All. It will yank your dashes and replace them with nothing...that should work. Greta
L Leo Heuser Jul 11, 2003 #3 Vince =SUBSTITUTE(B17,"-","") will do the job. -- Best Regards Leo Heuser MVP Excel Followup to newsgroup only, please.
Vince =SUBSTITUTE(B17,"-","") will do the job. -- Best Regards Leo Heuser MVP Excel Followup to newsgroup only, please.