Col A B C
111 111 111
222 222 222
333 333 333
aaa 444
sss 555
444 444
555 555
333 333
Col A is origina record, i only want number so after sorting usin
function it will auto hv Col B but for row 4 to 5 it is blank becaus
of the aaa n sss. I want my final output to be Col C. Blank are remov
n dupilcate record r not shown...
Can this be done without using marco..
111 111 111
222 222 222
333 333 333
aaa 444
sss 555
444 444
555 555
333 333
Col A is origina record, i only want number so after sorting usin
function it will auto hv Col B but for row 4 to 5 it is blank becaus
of the aaa n sss. I want my final output to be Col C. Blank are remov
n dupilcate record r not shown...
Can this be done without using marco..