antivirusplus has attacked my pc. I get pop ups every 60 seconds saying I
have a virus and need to purchase this product. I have deleted it from add
and delete programs, but pop ups still there. I searched the program in my
files and deleted 4 files found, but 2 files say cannot be deleted. I tried
to restore the system, but it says it has been turned off, when I go into the
system dialog box where it is suppose to be, its not there. Any help on a
back door to turn on restore, or remove a locked file woul be appreciated.
The file name I need to remove is C:\documents and settings\kevin
stemcosky\start menu\programs\antivirusplus.ink" any help would be
have a virus and need to purchase this product. I have deleted it from add
and delete programs, but pop ups still there. I searched the program in my
files and deleted 4 files found, but 2 files say cannot be deleted. I tried
to restore the system, but it says it has been turned off, when I go into the
system dialog box where it is suppose to be, its not there. Any help on a
back door to turn on restore, or remove a locked file woul be appreciated.
The file name I need to remove is C:\documents and settings\kevin
stemcosky\start menu\programs\antivirusplus.ink" any help would be