I have this arrangement in my music folders: Artist Name Folder, Album Name
subfolder, and Song inside the Album Folder. I want the Songs to appear
inside the Main Artist Folder and not have Album subfolder in between. I
have hundreds of these. Is there a way to remove the album subfolder so that
the songs appear only under artist name without doing this manually one at a
time? Also, I have the songs appearing on their own in the main Artist
Folder while at the same time a copy appears in the Album subfolder. Is this
an illussion and the view is mixed up or are there actually two copies of the
same song? I have Nomad Jukebox3 that I want to use with Musicmatch. I
don't like Windows Media player - it's too smart for its own good -- does
things for you that you don't want done. The last time I used it, it doubled
everything in my Nomad.
subfolder, and Song inside the Album Folder. I want the Songs to appear
inside the Main Artist Folder and not have Album subfolder in between. I
have hundreds of these. Is there a way to remove the album subfolder so that
the songs appear only under artist name without doing this manually one at a
time? Also, I have the songs appearing on their own in the main Artist
Folder while at the same time a copy appears in the Album subfolder. Is this
an illussion and the view is mixed up or are there actually two copies of the
same song? I have Nomad Jukebox3 that I want to use with Musicmatch. I
don't like Windows Media player - it's too smart for its own good -- does
things for you that you don't want done. The last time I used it, it doubled
everything in my Nomad.