First, use services.msc *NOT* msconfig.exe!
Start | Run | Type: services.msc | Click OK
Why can't I use msconfig to change my services?
[[The reason is because with msconfig and Hardware Profiles, you can disable
services that may be vital to boot your system. With the management console
(services.msc) you cannot. Also, msconfig, while unchecking the box, is
disabling the service.
The "Disable All" button also scares me. It should not even be there as no
reason exists to justify disabling "everything."]]
Why can't I use msconfig to change my services?
To delete a service.
Open Services...
Start | Run | Type: services.msc | Click OK |
Scroll down to and double click the service you want to get rid of |
On the General tab, Service name: take note of the Service Name not the
Display Name | Close Services
Then open a command prompt...
Start | Run | Type: cmd | Click OK |
Type: sc delete Whateverservice Display Name
and hit Enter
sc delete
Or open the Registry Editor...
Start | Run | Type: regedit | Click OK |
Navigate to...
Delete it and reboot.
Hope this helps. Let us know.
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User