Remove a delegated zone

  • Thread starter Thread starter Leighton
  • Start date Start date


Can anyone tell me of a safe way to remove a delegated
zone and re-instate the domain that was delegated back to
the root zone file? We have one root domain and 4 domains
under that. one domain has been delegated to host a zone
file but now i want to remove the delegation and put it
back into the original zone file at the root domain in a
safe manner. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Leighton said:
Can anyone tell me of a safe way to remove a delegated
zone and re-instate the domain that was delegated back to
the root zone file? We have one root domain and 4 domains
under that. one domain has been delegated to host a zone
file but now i want to remove the delegation and put it
back into the original zone file at the root domain in a
safe manner. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

If the delegations are for an AD Child domain, delete the delegation and
create the Sub-domain set Allow dynamic updates to "Yes". Point all the
machines in the domain to the machine you are removing the delegation from.
Restart Netlogon on the DCs, and run ipconfig /registerdns from all

If this is not an AD zone, since sub-domains don't have separate zone files
you have to manually add the records in the DNS Console or by editing the
zone file.
Start by deleting the delegation from the parent domain. Then on the parent create a new child domain named after the delegation you just deleted. Point all
machines in the child to the parent for DNS. On the DC in the child, after making sure it points to the parent DNS server, run "ipconfig /flushdns", "ipconfig
/registerdns" and then restart the netlogon service.

If you have any static records on the client, you need to manually add these records to the parent DNS server's child domain .

Thank you,
Mike Johnston
Microsoft Network Support


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