removal of updates



To make a LONG story very short, Some time ago I began experiencing difficulty viewing pdf files at home from my hospital's VPN. I went though a TON of stuff and finally figured out that a recent security update to IE6 had been at fault and when I removed the update everything was okay, and have declined updates since. Recently had some work done on my system and the tech put ALL the updates bnack in and now I'm back in the same boat. Went to try and uninstall them but there are a large number and when I beging to uninstall I see an error message statig that all these apps may fail if I remove the update.

Is there an easy way to remove the updates? Thansk in advance,

Wood Contour

Jon said:
To make a LONG story very short, Some time ago I began experiencing difficulty viewing pdf files at home from my hospital's VPN. I went though a TON of stuff and finally figured out that a recent security update to IE6 had been at fault and when I removed the update everything was okay, and have declined updates since. Recently had some work done on my system and the tech put ALL the updates bnack in and now I'm back in the same boat. Went to try and uninstall them but there are a large number and when I beging to uninstall I see an error message statig that all these apps may fail if I remove the update.

Is there an easy way to remove the updates? Thansk in advance,
I hat to say it, I think only by removing IE and reinstalling it.
Don't you love you "tech"? Let him do it.

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