removal of programs from installation applications

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The strip of programs installed on the pc with Win Xp sp2 is not correct.
They are lacking programs! How do I be able them correctly?
The strip of programs installed on the pc with Win Xp sp2 is not correct.
They are lacking programs! How do I be able them correctly?

If a program installation does not utilize Add/Remove Programs, there's
nothing you can do about it. The programs will need to be uninstalled
manually. Before deleting an installation, check the program's help file
for uninstall info. There may be mention of a file tucked away in the
program's folder that should be used to uninstall.

If a program was listed in Add/Remove but is no longer shown, try
reinstalling it in the hope of rebuilding the necessary registry entries
and log files.

If there is something else going on with Add/Remove Programs, provide a
more detailed description of the problem.
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/User

Sharon F said:
If a program installation does not utilize Add/Remove Programs, there's
nothing you can do about it. The programs will need to be uninstalled
manually. Before deleting an installation, check the program's help file
for uninstall info. There may be mention of a file tucked away in the
program's folder that should be used to uninstall.

If a program was listed in Add/Remove but is no longer shown, try
reinstalling it in the hope of rebuilding the necessary registry entries
and log files.

If there is something else going on with Add/Remove Programs, provide a
more detailed description of the problem.
What strip of programs?.. the ones that should be on the START button.. or
those that appear in ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS?..
Voglio rimuovere dei programmi installati, ma non posso perchè manca
unistall, e perchè non sono presenti in "aggiungi/rimuovi" programmi.
Mancano dei programmi su "installazione applicazioni". Gli stessi programmi
che sono installati su un'altro pc, con SP1, e che si trovano in
"installazioni applicazioni".

I want to dismiss some programs installed, but I do not be able because is
lacking unistall, and because is not present in " ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS".
They are lacking some programs on "installation applications". The same
programs that are installed on another pc, with SP1, and that find themselves
in "installations applications".