I inadvertently added an entry to the OPEN WITH dialog
box (right click icon, OPEN WITH, select program from
list) that is invalid. I did this by hitting browse and
then clicked on the wrong icon. I thought that I could
remove it by just opening Window Explorer, selecting
tools, folder options and then file types. To my suprise
I cannot find the bad entry there. I even tried the
recommendation in the Knowledge Base - Control Panel,
Appearance and Themes, Folder Option with the same
results (btw-I did not expect this to work but had to try
So, where does Windows store this information and how can
I delete this entry?
box (right click icon, OPEN WITH, select program from
list) that is invalid. I did this by hitting browse and
then clicked on the wrong icon. I thought that I could
remove it by just opening Window Explorer, selecting
tools, folder options and then file types. To my suprise
I cannot find the bad entry there. I even tried the
recommendation in the Knowledge Base - Control Panel,
Appearance and Themes, Folder Option with the same
results (btw-I did not expect this to work but had to try
So, where does Windows store this information and how can
I delete this entry?