Thank you for your reply. I will try and answer your
questions, though I will probably sound like a complete
dork. Here goes.
There is nothing on the PockiDrive itself, the instruction
booklet or the packaging to say whether it is 1.1 or 2.0.
Is there any other way I can tell (I bought it a good year
I have checked the system information to see whether the
USB ports are 1.1 or 2.0 but cannot find this information.
Where should I be looking?
'Install' is a bad term. I tried to plug and play,
clicking through the add hardware wizard, accepting the
defaults on the 'can't find driver' windows. According to
the instruction this should work, but I got the 'unsafe
removal' message so I used the CD-ROM to install the
security software and drivers (don't really get this, I
admit.) Now the password window pops up when the disk is
plugged in, but it is immediately followed by the unsafe
removal message. In Explorer the drive intermittently
registers as present and I can see the contents. If it
settles long enough for me to try and open a file, I
encounter additional problems. On a couple of occasions a
file has opened into word, and then immediately crashed.
On others I get a message saying the path is invalid. And
the unsafe removal message keeps popping up.
I would be grateful for any input.