I have an issue with a removable drive bay..
I have 2 hard drives , one with xp installed and the second i installed
vista home premium
there is also a third drive that stays in pc with data only.
her is the issue. vista installed and ran perfectly with second hd (data )
connected directly to the ide cable. I installed a removable drive bay so i
could swap between xp and vista. allways leaving the third data drive
well xp boots and runs in removable drive bay but vista just hangs on
welcome screen.. these removeable drive bays do not require any drivers so i
dont know what the deal is.
if i remove the vista hd from the removable drive bay. and connect back to
the ide cable directly it boots and runs like a charm...
so the question is what is the deal with the removable drive bay.. should i
disable something in vista ??
its a generic plastic mobile rack.
like this but all plastic..
I have 2 hard drives , one with xp installed and the second i installed
vista home premium
there is also a third drive that stays in pc with data only.
her is the issue. vista installed and ran perfectly with second hd (data )
connected directly to the ide cable. I installed a removable drive bay so i
could swap between xp and vista. allways leaving the third data drive
well xp boots and runs in removable drive bay but vista just hangs on
welcome screen.. these removeable drive bays do not require any drivers so i
dont know what the deal is.
if i remove the vista hd from the removable drive bay. and connect back to
the ide cable directly it boots and runs like a charm...
so the question is what is the deal with the removable drive bay.. should i
disable something in vista ??
its a generic plastic mobile rack.
like this but all plastic..