Remoting Vs. DCOM

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If I don't need to worry about security, but performance is a big
issue, should I use Remoting or EnterpriseServices with DCOM to connect
my clients to my server?
Besides performance, what other advantages/disadvantages are there for
each of them, and what about Indigo?
Thanks ahead

It depends what type of communication you want to achieve between
server and the clients.

If... (in general)
Its better to do Remoting with RAW TCP/IP binary streams, it will be
best solution performance wise in the dotnet.
(there could be nothing faster than direct sockets and binary streams
(udp even more, but no streams))

For adv/disadv:

type "COM+ Web Services Remoting" in :)
DCOM might (the key word is MIGHT, not WILL) work a bit faster with very
small messages. Beyond that, the extra layers on both sides of the
communication will bog it down. For that reason, I would head towards
Remoting first.

All of the upcoming technologies are XML based, so they are more akin to
Remoting than DCOM.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!
Thanks for both of your replies!
Gregory - XML based technologies/protocols are all fine and sexy, but
when talking about performance, they are a lot behind (and will always
be???) DCOM/Remoting - binary based technologies...
My application will be transferring big chunks of data and must have
high performance - so XML based technologies i.e Web Services are out
of question...
Bottom line, even though .Net Remoting is managed and is closed to
Indigo, DCOM offers me more standard and reliable framework, with built
in monitoring (the Com+ MMC), better performance (like you said) and of
the little I read about .Net Remoting, I understand that it is'nt 100%
managed as well, and the path from V1.1 Remoting to Indigo is not as
clean as other technologies (EnterpriseServices???) so I might as well
stick to what technology right now is more comfortable...
Please tell me what you think, and again thanks for replying!
