I'm new to remoting. Does anybody know where to find a good saùmple (VB.NET
preferly) that gets a list of objects, bases on 2 paramters. For isntance:
all people born between DateA and DateB?
For now I only managed to get 1 object, but I don't have a clu to go search
for a specific object based on it's ID inthe database, of a lsit of
Any help would be really appreciated!
Tanks a lot in advance,
I'm new to remoting. Does anybody know where to find a good saùmple (VB.NET
preferly) that gets a list of objects, bases on 2 paramters. For isntance:
all people born between DateA and DateB?
For now I only managed to get 1 object, but I don't have a clu to go search
for a specific object based on it's ID inthe database, of a lsit of
Any help would be really appreciated!
Tanks a lot in advance,