remotely controlling gateway connection


Mike Grimwood

I use a win 98 pc as an internet gateway thro a modem,
which is left on. The rest of my home network uses win XP
PCs and connects up via a hub to the gateway, works
well. However, I am not able to remotely disconnect, via
the XP PCs, the modem from the internet after use. I
seem to remember that this was possible using win 98
machines on a peer to peer. Can anyone help?

Ken Wickes [MSFT]

There isn't any built in way to remotely control a Win98 ICS host. There is
in WinXP ICS so you might consider making one of the XP machines the host.

There are probably 3rd party utilities for Win98 but I don't know offhand.

Mike Grimwood

Many thanks.
-----Original Message-----
There isn't any built in way to remotely control a Win98 ICS host. There is
in WinXP ICS so you might consider making one of the XP machines the host.

There are probably 3rd party utilities for Win98 but I don't know offhand.


Ken Wickes [MSFT]
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

I use a win 98 pc as an internet gateway thro a modem,
which is left on. The rest of my home network uses win XP
PCs and connects up via a hub to the gateway, works
well. However, I am not able to remotely disconnect, via
the XP PCs, the modem from the internet after use. I
seem to remember that this was possible using win 98
machines on a peer to peer. Can anyone help?


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