I've got a 'dummy' screen that displays while ACCESS is formatting a rather long report and then displays the report and maximizes it.
What I want to do is that when the report is close I want to close the 'dummy' window as well. What I've done so far is in the Report's OnClose event I've placed the following code...
DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, "dummy"
This does accomplish what I want; however, what the user sees when they close the report is a quick flash of color - which is the 'dummy' form being selected in a maximized format just prior to its closing. I'd like to eliminate this 'flashing' effect by closing the form directly without using the SelectObject command.
Is this possible?
What I want to do is that when the report is close I want to close the 'dummy' window as well. What I've done so far is in the Report's OnClose event I've placed the following code...
DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, "dummy"
This does accomplish what I want; however, what the user sees when they close the report is a quick flash of color - which is the 'dummy' form being selected in a maximized format just prior to its closing. I'd like to eliminate this 'flashing' effect by closing the form directly without using the SelectObject command.
Is this possible?