XP Pro, SP3
Under "Services" in msconfig I see many entries
with "Remote..."
The odds against my accessing my laptop from
outside my
house are not only remote but astronomical, nor
would I
want _anybody_ else doing it.
What dire machinations of evil would befall me
if I
eliminated these entries?
None, going by your opinion of its use<g>. Many
people turn it off and it's probably a good idea
to do so, just to eliminate one more entry point
for malicious activity.
A couple of things about it:
It's not just one entry to turn off; there are
several dependencies and other things wound into
the world of remote accessing so pay attention to
the description and use of each thing you turn
off; actually take the time to read the screen and
note the dependencies and what they indicate might
also need to be turned off.
It's not that complex, really; I think it took
me about ten minutes to search out the ones I
needed to disable and all was fine. I do however
recommend keeping a record of what you disabled,
and be sure you remember it, just in case someting
stops working but you don't discover it for a
month or so and will have forgotten the changes
you made. A record of the changes can make a good
troubleshooting aid later on.
About the only meaningful thing you might lose
and regret would be the ability of a vendor or
friend to tap into your machine to assist you in
fixing it. You won't be able to "call a friend"
to remotely take a look at your machine, things
like that. I'm only mentioning a few things here:
NOT recommending against them.
Perhaps someone reading this will have a list of
the related services/switches you can kill off. I
can't find mine right now.