Remote references - avoiding creation of?

  • Thread starter Thread starter tkstock
  • Start date Start date


I have an Excel template with charts that spawns multiple copies o
itself by copying specific worksheets to a new workbook, then savin
the new workbook. The only problem is, the charts that are copied ove
retain their references to the original workbook. Isn't there
workbook setting I can set in VBA that would prevent Excel from keepin
those references?

Setting the "UpdateRemoteReferences" property doesn't help. Settin
the "SaveLinkValues" property doesn't help. When are the reference
actually created? If I delete the link after the workbook is created
it says that the chart series "value" string is too long, so I can'
just delete the link either.

Any help would be appreciated!!

Unfortunately, I need the charts to remain linked, but not to th
workbook they were copied from, rather to the workbook in which the
reside. I have a workaround which requires me to save the workbook (s
that a name will be assigned) then I can re-assign the links, then sav
the workbook again. This is time-consuming (there are over 30
workbooks being spawned), so I am trying to find another way aroun
this. Here is the code as I have it:


Sheets(Array("Meas. Indicators", "CONFIGURATION", "Sheet1", "SPRT Limits ave=0.15" _
, "PMT Charts", "Reference")).Copy

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FILEPATH & myFileName & ".xls"
aLinks = ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources(xlExcelLinks)
ActiveWorkbook.ChangeLink aLinks(1), ActiveWorkbook.Name, xlLinkTypeExcelLinks


Again, this works, but it doubles the save operation, so that result
in over 300 extra save operations that I don't want.

I forgot to mention in my original post that this spreadsheet progra
copies itself close to 300 times (after importing some data for th
charts) - so again the duplicate save operation wastes considerabl

Thanks again for any help!

I don't have any other suggestions.

There is a .charting newsgroup where you might want to post. Maybe you'll get
the attention of one of the charting experts (I'm not one of them), and they can
come to your rescue.