Remote Procedure Call-System Shutdown

  • Thread starter Thread starter rwfkdf
  • Start date Start date


I've installed the beta version, scanned my system and
then re-booted. Everthing comes up, but I get a system
shutdown notice stating that the Remote Procedure Call
service terminated unexpectedly. I was refered to the MS
security-incident site because it was the "blaster" virus
and to go into task manager and stop the msblast.exe.
That file does not exist on my system. I'm running the
full blown McAffee protection suite. What do I do

Could be Sasser instead if this happens only when
connected to the internet. A sasser attack will shutdown
the PC even if it does not succeed. Turn on your firewall
if running XP or get the free version of ZoneAlarm from
Zone Labs.

Ron Kinner MVP