Remote Procedure Call Locator


Ed Pak

My question has to do with the Remote Procedure Call
(RPC) Locator. Yesterday when the Blaster first hit, I
thought I needed to Disable this Service. Well, now I'm
unable to do anything, even to start this service back up
again. What can I do to get this service, as well as all
the other services, started back up again?

When I go to the Services window, I have nothing in the
Extended Services Tab window, but in the Standard
Services Tab window, I have all the servieces listed, but
I can't access anything...

Please help...Thanks.

Joseph Conway [MSFT]

You can boot into recovery console and use listsvc and the ENABLE command
to get it back up and running.

Joseph W. Conway, MCSE
Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server Group

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