I have two computers both with windows xp pro one at home and one at work. I want the target computer to be the one at home. I want to access it from work using remote desktop to log in. First I had registerd a free DNS name with a company called DYNU. Second I have linksys routermodel BEFSX440 model with VPN, FIREWALL capabiltiy. I do not have the firewall on the router or in windows xp enabled and I am not using a VPN. I have forwarded port 3389 to the target computer. My ISP that distrubates the IP address is dynamic. I have in control panel remote desktop and remote assistance both checked and in the add remote users I put the account I want to be able to use. I mad a new account for windows and put that name in the users to be able access the computer. I have the dynu service running in the background and enabled. When I go to log in to the computer from work and type in the Domain name it gets to the Xp pro log on screen and then I put the user name in and hit ok I get an error: unable to access I did not give this user name a password when I amde the account in the control panel under users accounts. PLease help why is this not working