I have been using remote desktop into a terminal server for the last 6 months and everything was working fine. Last weekend, it stopped working. I use checkpoint software to get through a firewall and that works fine. But when I click on remote desktop icon, it just times out. I have gone to gpedit and made sure my name is in the list to use remote desktop. This is driving me crazy. Is there a way to uninstall remote desktop and reinstall it? It is happening on 2 of my PC's. I have taken my Linksys router out of the picture and connected my dsl modem straight into my pc with the same results. I then took the dsl modem out of the loop and tried to connect with my pc modem. Again same reults. It seems like port 3389 is somehow blocked. Again, it is happening on both of my PC's
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.