Remote desktop

Mar 15, 2011
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I have a Windows XP Pro 64bit desktop that we can use rdp to connect to other computers, but we cannot rdp to it from either a 32 or 64 bit machine. We have tried via computer name, by ip, flushed dns, released-renewed the ip, removed-added to the domain, updated the graphics drivers, used the spanning switch, saved and editied the default.rdp file, verified permissions and remote settings to no avail.

It basically opens, you add the computer name\ip addy, and hit connect and rdp closes. Works fine connecting to any other machine.

Updates have been run so it has been fully patched, it's running rdp v6.0.6? which is what the majority of the company is running.

When you say "works fine connecting to any other computer," are you referring to any machine getting to this XP Pro 64bit machine?

Will this machine not connect to ANY machine on your network?
How does this unit connect to the rest of the network? switches, routers, different subnet possibly?
What is the message you get when trying to connect to another machine?

There are lots of things that could prevent this. If you have an admin that doesn't allow remote sessions via group policy, for example. A little bit of information is required.