I attempting to have IE close upon successful log off of a Remote Desktop Web
Basically, users launch the RDWC via a scripted icon:
This launches IE and the Logon to the Terminal Server Serving the
application however, whenn they log off the full screen Terminal Session,
they are left with the IE page which has to manually closed.
Objective is to illiminate the last process; to enable the IE to
automatically close when they log off the Terminal Server.
All offer of assistance or advice will be replied to and any help would be
ultimately appreciated.
Kind Regards,
John Brewster
Technical Project Manager
Basically, users launch the RDWC via a scripted icon:
This launches IE and the Logon to the Terminal Server Serving the
application however, whenn they log off the full screen Terminal Session,
they are left with the IE page which has to manually closed.
Objective is to illiminate the last process; to enable the IE to
automatically close when they log off the Terminal Server.
All offer of assistance or advice will be replied to and any help would be
ultimately appreciated.
Kind Regards,
John Brewster
Technical Project Manager