Remote Desktop - Unlock Causes Reboot

May 27, 2006
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I received a new computer at work about 4 months ago and I have been
using "Remote Desktop" to access my work computer from home. When I
come to work the next day my computer is locked and requires
Ctrl/Alt/Delete to unlock it. For the first couple of months everything
was fine. I'd press Ctrl/Alt/Delete and enter my password and the
desktop would be displayed. In the last 8 weeks or so when I press
Ctrl/Alt/Delete, my computer reboots. Once it goes through the reboot
sequence I see a Microsoft Windows box that shows, "The system has
recovered from a serious error. A log of this error has been created.
For more information about this error, click here". There is also
a "Close" button there that I can click on and I'll be able to start
using my computer. If I open the error details it shows me an "Error
signature" with several codes such as BCCode: 100000050, etc. There is
another "click here" that brings up another box labeled "Error Report
Contents" and reads "The following files will be included in this error
report". It lists two dumps that are under documents and settings for
my username. None of the technical staff where I work have ever seen
this happen and have not been able to find out any additional
information about it. I have Windows XP.

No new software was added during this time period, but since I work at
an IT shop, we do get various patches, generally security patches sent
remotely to our computers. I am the only person with this problem.

Spyware tracking is run frequently on this computer, so it doesn't seem like it would be spyware. I wonder if there was a MicroSoft patch that is causing this?