Look in the Event Log (Security) for a Logon/Logoff Event 528. It should have a Logon Type 10...
You can setup an Audit Policy using the Group Policy editor to log logon success and failures. Go
to "Start -> Run" and type 'gpedit.msc' (without the quotes). Navigate to "Local Computer Policy ->
Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Audit
Policies -> Audit logon events". Highlight and right-click and select properties. Configure as
desired. Note, some folks have XP boxes setup to login without a password. Logging in
without a password counts as a "failure". This results in the security log filling up very fast if
you log failures and have a user without a password. I fell into that trap while testing a new XP
Pro box once. The result is you can not login normally. Also note, not having a password is
a potential and probable security risk.
The event log can be viewed by going to "Start -> Control Panel -> Performance and Maintenance ->
Administrative Tools" and click on "Event Viewer".
Also see this page for other Audit Logon information...
Lastly, you might look at the Port Reporter tool for additional logging...Specifically the PR-Ports
log file...
Al Jarvi (MS-MVP Windows Networking)
Please post *ALL* questions and replies to the news group for the mutual benefit of all of us...
The MS-MVP Program -
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights...
Aayush Puri said:
I wanted to know if there are any logs maintained by Windows XP when someone
connects through a Remote Desktop??
Could anyone let me know how to look thorugh the Event Logs to find any
remote desktop attempt (successful/unsuccessful)
Best Wishes,