Remote desktop file Location



we are utilizing a server with Remote Desk top for offsite offices. they can
login and utilize the access program with no problems. what I want to do is
take the front end and globally place the front end on their desktop (not in
one location that they all share, but a unique copy on each remote desk top).
currently when we make modifications we must login to each RDT and change the
front end file manually. we are hoping to do this globally just once.

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Robert said:
we are utilizing a server with Remote Desk top for offsite offices. they
login and utilize the access program with no problems. what I want to do
take the front end and globally place the front end on their desktop (not
one location that they all share, but a unique copy on each remote desk
currently when we make modifications we must login to each RDT and change
front end file manually. we are hoping to do this globally just once.

Remember that you will need a Terminal Server or use another program to
connect more than 2 concurrent connections with RDP. What you need to do is
put a folder for each user on the remote machine, with a copy of the
database front-end in each folder.


that's how i'm doing it currently. i was hoping to put the front-end in a
folder in the documents/all users/xxxxx 9for exapmle) and put a shorcut on
the desktop to that location. the problem i'm having is it seems that all
users will access the same file. i need a way to load the file once on the
server and than populate each RDT users desktop at login. so no two users are
sharing the same front-end, but i only load it once on the server.

David W. Fenton

that's how i'm doing it currently. i was hoping to put the
front-end in a folder in the documents/all users/xxxxx 9for
exapmle) and put a shorcut on the desktop to that location. the
problem i'm having is it seems that all users will access the same
file. i need a way to load the file once on the server and than
populate each RDT users desktop at login. so no two users are
sharing the same front-end, but i only load it once on the server.

You need to put it some where in the user's profile folder. The
environment variable %USERPROFILE% can be used in your shortcut. You
could also use this API code to get the location:

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Robert said:
that's how i'm doing it currently. i was hoping to put the front-end in a
folder in the documents/all users/xxxxx 9for exapmle) and put a shorcut on
the desktop to that location. the problem i'm having is it seems that all
users will access the same file. i need a way to load the file once on the
server and than populate each RDT users desktop at login. so no two users
sharing the same front-end, but i only load it once on the server.

Actually, you need to load it as many times as there are concurrent users.
The back-end is the common file that only gets loaded once.

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