Windows 7 Remote Desktop Control suddenly slow

Oct 24, 2011
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Hello All,

I'm going in circles here with Remote Desktop from Windows 7, and it is affecting my work while I'm working remotely. If anyone can provide a solution that would be great...

The history:

A) IT guy installs a VPN so I can access the company's server through Remote Desktop.
B) Its terribly slow, so I look up a solution, then I do the following:

1) Go to START menu
2) type "cmd" in the search box
3) Do not click enter, but click CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to enter as administrator
4) Type in: netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=highlyrestricted
5) Close window and start RDC.

C) After this, Remote Desktop at a good speed.
D) After two weeks have passed, somethings happened now Remote Desktop is slow.
E) I read somewhere that maybe hackers got into my default port number so I changed it by following the instructions from the following link:
F) I choose a random port number between 50,000 and 60,000
G) After restarting the computer, remote desktop is even slower, but after twenty minutes, remote desktop is incredibly fast.
H) After 3 days, remote desktop is slow again....

I am going in circles here, if anyone has advice on how to keep Remote Desktop at a good constant speed it would help....


Contact IT guy

See if he can find a solution to the slow speeds..
I have many users that complain of this. Slow speed in my situation is from people attempting to use a standard business DSL line @ 6mbps/1.5mbps. Unfortunately, unless the new line comes sooner, this will not change.

Your IT guy may have a similar situation or has the connection throttled such that it will balance the load in the office for this type of thing. The more people connecting via RDP will slow the connection.

Is there a time that the connection is faster?

Ultimately, the issue is for your IT guy to resolve. There are many different variables that go into something like this that we would not have any clue how to approach based on how your IT guy set things up.
Thanks guys for the input. Let me add that the "IT guy" was a bad choice in words, he was not really and IT guy, just a guy who knew how to set it up, and now he is gone. Does this mean I have to start from scratch to find the problem?

I have changed the port number once, and it was working fast. I have been using this new China "MSN Chat" like program, and after three days the Remote Desktop when slow again. I changed the port number again, and the yesterday and today it has been fast. Is it possible that this "Chat Program" lets hackers get into the port I am on, so I have to switch the port once in a while? I'm a noob so I don't know much about this, and there is no IT guy to ask.

So yeah, Remote Desktop has worked fast, but it has not consistent, there has been days were it has been terribly slow. Do you think there are too many variables to pin point the problem? Should I just have an IT guy set it up all over again from scratch and keep him for trouble shooting? I currently in a place where I don't have the resources for that.

Appreciate the help.
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Let's start here.

F) I choose a random port number between 50,000 and 60,000

Typically, this should not be an issue. The proper way to do this would be to forward ports on your firewall or router. Leave your PC as the default and have the router forward any information that comes in on the random port you want to select to 3389. Changing ports should have absolutely no effect on speed of the connection. I think you have another issue in some other hardware or in your connection.

Have you tried to do a speed test on your machines? What is your connection like? As stated previously, there are several things that go on just to get RDP to your desk in the office from your house. If any of them are not functioning well, you will have issues. On top of that, your VPN is encrypting information as it goes across the line. This adds time and data to the connection.

Is it possible that this "Chat Program" lets hackers get into the port I am on

Yes, it is. Have you tried to google the "chat program" and see if there is anyone else suffering from issues arising from the use of sketchy programs?