Windows XP Remote Desktop Connection over wireless network

Feb 20, 2006
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I am trying to use a Windows XP laptop over a wireless network to login to my work server using Remote Desktop. This is set up over a Sonicwall VPN. If I plug the laptop straight in to the cable modem, I can log in to the server over RDC. If I try it over the wireless network, the Sonicwall VPN client indicates that I have entered the "tunnel" but I can't login through Remote Desktop. I've tried everything I can, but I have little experience with Windows.

The wireless network is an Apple Airport Express. I have tried disabling the firewall on the windows laptop, and have tried everything else I can find. Please help, as I'm tired of having to unplug the wireless router to connect to work. Thanks.
many routers have issues with vpn services and ports.
Easiest test for this is to go intot he router and set the wireless laptops ip address to the DMZ setting for linksys's. That is no nat firewalling for that ip.
other routers may call it something else, tho I think dlink also calls it dmz.
Alternatively, you will need to find the ports that your vpn system requires and set your router to foward them to your laptop. dmz is usually easier :)
I gave this a shot, but no luck. I'm not sure that I've done it correctly. Right now, the router is set up to share a single IP address with 10.0.1.x addressing. The VPN runs on port 3389. I tried mapping that port to the PC laptop which is assigned to Again, I'm not sure I tried it correctly, but I tried every combination possible. Please help, as not accessing the work server from home is making life tough.
Which router is it? you may want to check their faq's also, you may not be the only one, or they may have a generic howto for vpn...
I know this is a pain, my coworker has problems with his dlink and vpn, if he hardwires, and does a dmz, which is fowarding of everything to his machine, the vpn works, but not all applications work which is really strange. If he goes wireless, and sets dmz, it won;t connect at all.
my old linksys, befrs41, works fine with no hoops, tho there is a faq on the corp page on possible settings you may need to use to make it work.
Usually vpn connections require a few ports, and some might be udp. I'll see if I can dig up anything on the sonicwall vpn.