Remote Desktop access denied to non-admin

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A fresh install of W2k3 with Terminal Services, IIS + ASP.NET & DCOM.
Domain users group added to the local RDP group.
Installed Applications.
Worked great.

Installed Citrix PS 4.
Lost the ability for domain users to access the server via Remote Desktop.
Administrators still have RDP access
Non-admins see: "...desktop only available to administrators, please check
with network admin..."

Local RDP group is still in tact.
1494 and 3394 are listening.
Any thoughts on getting it back?? Curse you Citrix...

I know this isn't a Citrix group... Sorry!! Posted there too :)
Yes, this is a tricky one: Citrix by default only allows published
applications, not connections to the desktop. Documented here:

CTX104106 - Connection Error : The desktop you are trying to open is
currently available only to administrators

Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting:
___ please respond in newsgroup, NOT by private email ___
LOL! You're welcome, Sean.

Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting:
___ please respond in newsgroup, NOT by private email ___