Remote Debugging Break Points

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nick Bunton
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Nick Bunton

I have setup remote debugging on an NT4 workstation for
testing. I then build from the debug config on my machine
and copy all the files from the /bin/debug folder
including the .PDB files. I then connect to the remote
machine with VNC and start the application, once running
from VS .NET on my development machine I connect to that
process and the running app is shown in the IDE, but I
cannot get the application to stop on any breakpoints I
add in.

What am I missing or not doing?

Hello Nick,

Thanks for your post. As I understand, you configured remote debugging on a
remote Windows NT 4 workstation. Then you copied the execute file and its
corresponding .PDB files, and execute it in the remote system. You are able
to attach the remote process in the local VS .NET, however, it will not hit
any breakpoints you set. Please correct me if there is any
misunderstanding. Now I'd like to share the following information with you:

1. Please make sure that we choose proper program types when attaching to a
process. Though I am do not know the type of your Visual C++ project, I
believe that selecting both "Common Language Runtime" and "Native" will not
go wrong.

2. Another issue may be that Visual Studio .NET pickes up the wrong .pdb
files for your program. Generally speaking, Visual Studio .NET will load
the .pdb files on local instead of on the remote machine. Please check
whether you copied the correct PDB fils to the local machine, and are there
any other copies of that .pdb on your machine (ie in the system32

If you build the project locally, I suggest that you can open the project
in Visual Studio .NET IDE before attaching to its remote process.

3. In addition, I am not familiar with VNC. When you connect to a remote
machina via VNC, will it start another user's Terminal Server session? If
so, you will need to apply the remoting debugging settings per MSDN article

Remote Debugging Under Another User Account

4. I believe the following article is also helpful:

Setting Up Remote Debugging

I am standing by for your response.

Have a nice day!


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Hi thanks for your reply. First the language I am using is C# not C++,
apart from that you have understood everything.

When I am back in the office tomorrow morning I will try what you have
put in your steps as I am sure this is still applicable even though I am
using C#.

I am not sure about VNC using another users session, I will have to look
into this, I will take a look at the link you sent me as I haven't seen
that page before. You have listed the URL twice, is there a mistake or
you just didn't realise you had already added the URL?


Hi Nick,

Thanks a lot for your response.

Since your project type is C#, you need to copy .PDB file to the directory
where the executable file is loaded on the remote machine. After attaching
to the remote process, please check whether there is a question mark at the
beginning of each breakpoint. If so, the breakpoint will not take effect.
It will give us detailed error information if we point the mouse on the
question mark.

The following is a correct link to "Setting Up Remote Debugging":

I look forward to your result.

Have a nice day!


Microsoft Online Partner Support

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