Remote Call Procedure Termination


Bill Szustak

Every time I connect to the internet, after about 5
minutes I get a message that the computer must reboot
because the Remote Call Procedure terminated
unexpectedly. The computer then automatically counts down
and reboots.

Does anyone know why this might be happening?



Bill Szustak said:
Every time I connect to the internet, after about 5
minutes I get a message that the computer must reboot
because the Remote Call Procedure terminated
unexpectedly. The computer then automatically counts down
and reboots.

Does anyone know why this might be happening?

Dozens of folks. Just search this group for "rpc" or "remote". Or visit and search for "blaster". Your PC has a worm.

Santa's Helper

First, stop the bug from running by hitting CTRL-ALT-DELETE and
bringing up the task manager. Look for msblast.exe in the list, and
kill it. Now your computer won't shut down, but the bug is still there
and will run the next time you start your machine. Go to this URL to
find out how to get rid of it:

<> for a quick removal tool for the
MSBlast worm and a link to the Microsoft patch to prevent future infection.
Then update your antivirus software and scan your system.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Apparently, your computer is infected with the W32.Blaster.Worm or one of its variants.
This happened because you have not been using an internet connection firewall and have
neglected to install the critical updates available at the Windows Update website.

What You Should Know About the Blaster Worm and Its Variants

Are you looking for info about the cause of "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)",
initiated by NT Authority\System error message that shuts down Windows
(you might also see svchost.exe error occasionally)?

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User


| Every time I connect to the internet, after about 5
| minutes I get a message that the computer must reboot
| because the Remote Call Procedure terminated
| unexpectedly. The computer then automatically counts down
| and reboots.
| Does anyone know why this might be happening?
| Thanks.

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