Remote Assistance error "A program could not start. Please try again."
First of all I would like to thank everyone who has worked on this and came
up with a possible solution.
In our case none of the suggestions seemed to work. I had already allowed
all of the exceptions through the firewall.
Remote Assistance in Windows XP with SP1 works just fine in our environment.
However, any machine running SP2 would get the error "A program could not
start. Please try again." I tried setting permissions to files and folders
containing any file associated with Remote Assistance to no avail.
Finally, I compared the services on two machines side-by-side, one running
SP2 and one with SP1. The SP1 machine had the Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
service running as a Local System account. The machine running SP2 had the
service running under the Network Service account.
I changed the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service on the SP2 machine to run
under the Local System account and Remote Assistance started working.
I don't know of any downfall to changing this, but I am interested in
hearing of any.
To those websites that require a fee to get help, You may use this solution.
Just know that I think you people should be ashamed of yourselves for selling
your information to others. In todays day and age we should all work together
to find solutions and to offer those solutions free of charge to those in
need of them.
Tech. Architect