Remote Assistance Logon Message "You do not have access to logon to this session"

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Infrastructure:2003 AD Single domain/ clients:XPSP2 (firewall disabled)

Ref:Connecting from XP PC to XP PC using Remote Assistance.

I have an issue where if any user sends an invitation via Outlook to
the administrator for Remote Assistance and the Administrator opens the
attachment in the received message to Remotely Assist I get the
following error message displayed:

Logon Message "You do not have access to logon to this session"

If I remotely connect using RDP to the same desktop it works fine.

I have enabled Remote Assistance, been through various GPO settings and
nothing seems to fix this issue. Also, I cannot find any article on the
web that describes this issue. All the artlicles relate to Terminal
Services and TS permissions.

Has anyone come across this issue?

Any help appreicated
I have ran some more tests and if I Remote Assistance from 2003 server
to 2003 its fine and from and XP client to 2003 server is fine. But
from XP to XP I get the logon message. So this has to be an XP setting.
Check if the user account that you are using to access the remote xp
machine is a a member of the local administrator account on that machine.
I installed Vanilla XP onto 2 desktops and Remote Assistance works so
this has to be an issue with the XP build I'm using. Thanks.
I installed Vanilla XP onto 2 desktops and Remote Assistance works so
this has to be an issue with the XP build I'm using. Thanks.

I eventually logged a call with MS. This is the fix. It also fixes the

@echo off
Echo Stopping The Remote Assistance Service...
net stop rdsessmgr
sleep 5
Echo Running Fix for Remote Assistance...
%systemroot%\system32\sessmgr.exe -service
sleep 5
Echo Starting Remote Assistance Service...
net start rdsessmgr