I've recently started a small business that requires me
to have a computer operating 30 miles away form dusk till
dawn. I have a system at home running Win. XP home edition
and the computer in the field is running Win. 2000 pro. My
question is how do I remotely access the field computer
with my computer at home over a dial-up connection? I
cannot get the ISP to assign the field computer a static
IP address so I need to access it modem to modem. I've set
the incoming connections to accept incoming calls over the
phone line but I can't get the field computer to pick up
when I dial it. Also is there some remote desktop software
I need to install to see the field computer's desktop? Any
help would be appriciated. Thanks.
to have a computer operating 30 miles away form dusk till
dawn. I have a system at home running Win. XP home edition
and the computer in the field is running Win. 2000 pro. My
question is how do I remotely access the field computer
with my computer at home over a dial-up connection? I
cannot get the ISP to assign the field computer a static
IP address so I need to access it modem to modem. I've set
the incoming connections to accept incoming calls over the
phone line but I can't get the field computer to pick up
when I dial it. Also is there some remote desktop software
I need to install to see the field computer's desktop? Any
help would be appriciated. Thanks.