Remote Access Policy - revisted


Peter Copland

Hi all

Posting this message again - why? - rather desperate for
an answer and nobody responding.

In Routing and Remote Access - Remote Access Policies when
trying access a policy that was set up a year ago, I am
receiving an error message - There was an error reading
data no such interface supported. The system does not
allow me delete this policy because I can't get access to
it, also I cannot create a new policy. Also on on same
thread trying to access remote access logging this returns
an error - There was an error getting connection to the
data store. The parameter is incorrect. Can anyone
enlighten me on how to resolve this problem, is it non


Peter Copland

Wajihy [MSFT]

to resolve this issue, get a CD with the same OS version you are running
extract from I386 folder the ias.mdb file and dnary.mdb ( you can also
instead of using a CD copy them from a different machine that has RAS OR IAS
installed and that is running the same OS version) and copy these 2 files to
%windir%\system32\ias\ folder
stop and restart ( IAS or RRAS depending on which one you are using)

that should resolve your issue


This posting is provided "AS IS", with NO warranties and confers NO rights

Upcoming Event: Tech Chat about "Secure Wireless authentication using IAS,
on September 25th at 10AM PT

Peter Copland

Thank you for the response. unfortunately that is one of
the first things I tried, the system still comes up with
error dialog when trying access Routing and Remote Access -
There was an error reading data. No Such Interface
supported. - on clicking OK and then clicking Remote
Access Policies I receive the following error - An error
occurred while trying to get an interface pointer. No such
interface supported -. I then tried to re-configure
Routing and Remote Access, Remote access server selected,
NetBUI and TCP/IP selected, Automatically assigning IP
addresses using DHCP, No to RADIUS, I then receive an
error message - Routing and Remote Access cannot verify
that the default Remote Remote Access Policy matches the
settings for the server. The following error ocurred: The
default Remote Access Policy could not be found - click OK
to that and another error message appears - Installation
of the Routing and Remote Access service failed because:
The system cannot find the file specified. (80070002)
click OK to that and the service starts but the Remote
Access Policies still unavailable. I have two DC's on the
system the primary DC is the one having the problems and
the second DC can see the Access policy on the primary?

Peter Copland

who do I send these logs to?
-----Original Message-----
can you get us the trace log
run " netsh ras set tr * en" repro and then post iassdo.log and napmmc.log
from %windir%\tracing folder


This posting is provided "AS IS", with NO warranties and confers NO rights

Upcoming Event: Tech Chat about "Secure Wireless authentication using IAS,
on September 25th at 10AM PT siteid=34000081


Peter Copland

Please deregard last post.
Heres the iassdo.log
ID Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4
2 [3480] 08:00:04:781: Service SDO is stopping
service: 1...
3 [3480] 08:00:04:781: IAS Core Manager stopped
service 1...
4 [5564] 08:00:39:190: Service SDO is starting
service: 1...
5 [5564] 08:00:39:190: IAS Core Manager is
updating component configuration...
6 [5564] 08:00:39:190: IAS Core Manager is
attaching to the local machine...
7 [5564] 08:00:39:190: Machine SDO is attempting
to attach to the local computer...
8 [5564] 08:00:39:190: Machine SDO is
initializing the IAS support services...
9 [5564] 08:00:39:230: Machine SDO is creating
the SDO schema...
10 [5564] 08:00:39:230: Machine SDO has
successfully attached to computer: 'PRODSERVER'...
11 [5564] 08:00:39:230: Machine SDO is attempting
to retrieve the Service SDO for service: IAS...
12 [5564] 08:00:39:901: IAS Core Manager is
configuring the auditors...
13 [5564] 08:00:39:911: IAS Core Manager is
configuring the dictionary...
14 [5564] 08:00:39:911: IAS Core Manager is
configuring the policy actions (profiles)...
15 [5564] 08:00:39:911: Machine SDO is retrieving
the Dictionary SDO...
16 [5564] 08:00:40:121: IAS Core Manager is
configuring the pipeline...
17 [5564] 08:00:40:482: IAS Core Manager is
configuring the protocols...
18 [5564] 08:00:40:672: IAS Core Manager
successfully started service 1...

and heres the napmmc.log

ID Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field5 Field6
2 [5308] 07:37:32: DLL Init

3 [5308] 07:37:32: AdviseRefresh, snapinnode:

4 [5308] 07:37:32: AdviseRefresh, snapinnode:

5 [5308] 07:37:32: AdviseRefresh, snapinnode:

6 [5452] 07:37:32: RAP NODE: CoInitialize() ,
hr = 0
7 [5636] 07:37:32: LOGGING NODE: CoInitialize
() , hr = 0
8 [5452] 07:37:32: RAP NODE:
CoCreateInstance , hr = 0
9 [5636] 07:37:32: LOGGING NODE:
CoCreateInstance, hr = 0
10 [5636] 07:37:32: LOGGING NODE:
ISdoMachine::Attach, hr = 0
11 [5452] 07:37:32: RAP NODE:
ISdoMachine::Attach , hr = 0
12 [5636] 07:37:32: LOGGING NODE: spSdoMachine-
GetServiceSDO, hr = 0
13 [5636] 07:37:32: LOGGING NODE:
spUnknownServiceSdo->QueryInterface IID_ISdo, hr = 0

14 [5636] 07:37:32: LOGGING NODE:
CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream IID_ISdo
spServiceSdo, hr = 0
15 [5452] 07:37:32: RAP NODE:
ISdoMachine::GetServiceSDO , hr = 0
16 [5452] 07:37:32: RAP NODE:
spUnknownServiceSdo->QueryInterface( IID_ISdo, hr = 0

17 [5452] 07:37:33: RAP NODE: spSdoMachine-
GetDictionarySDO , hr = 0
18 [5452] 07:37:33: RAP NODE:
IID_ISdoDictionaryOld, hr = 0
19 [5452] 07:37:33: "RAP NODE:
CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream IID_ISdo ,
spServiceSdo, hr = 0"
20 [5452] 07:37:33: "RAP NODE:
IID_ISdoDictionaryOld , spSdoDictionaryOld," hr =
21 [5308] 07:39:38: UnadviseRefresh,
22 [5308] 07:39:38: UnadviseRefresh,
23 [5308] 07:39:38: DLL Exit

24 [2744] 07:56:51: DLL Init

25 [2744] 07:56:51: AdviseRefresh, snapinnode:

26 [2744] 07:56:51: AdviseRefresh, snapinnode:

27 [2744] 07:56:51: AdviseRefresh, snapinnode:

28 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE: CoInitialize() ,
hr = 0
29 [5576] 07:56:51: LOGGING NODE: CoInitialize
() , hr = 0
30 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE:
CoCreateInstance , hr = 0
31 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE:
ISdoMachine::Attach , hr = 0
32 [5576] 07:56:51: LOGGING NODE:
CoCreateInstance, hr = 0
33 [5576] 07:56:51: LOGGING NODE:
ISdoMachine::Attach, hr = 0
34 [5576] 07:56:51: LOGGING NODE: spSdoMachine-
GetServiceSDO, hr = 0
35 [5576] 07:56:51: LOGGING NODE:
spUnknownServiceSdo->QueryInterface IID_ISdo, hr = 0

36 [5576] 07:56:51: LOGGING NODE:
CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream IID_ISdo
spServiceSdo, hr = 0
37 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE:
ISdoMachine::GetServiceSDO , hr = 0
38 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE:
spUnknownServiceSdo->QueryInterface( IID_ISdo, hr = 0

39 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE: spSdoMachine-
GetDictionarySDO , hr = 0
40 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE:
IID_ISdoDictionaryOld, hr = 0
41 [608] 0 7:56:51: R "AP NODE:
CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream IID_ISdo ,
spServiceSdo, hr = 0"
42 [608] 0 7:56:51: R "AP NODE:
IID_ISdoDictionaryOld , spSdoDictionaryOld, h" r =

thank you for your help

Peter Copland

Wajihy [MSFT]

I don't see anything wrong in the log
but I will doublecheck


This posting is provided "AS IS", with NO warranties and confers NO rights

Upcoming Event: Tech Chat about "Secure Wireless authentication using IAS,
on September 25th at 10AM PT

Peter Copland said:
Please deregard last post.
Heres the iassdo.log
ID Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4
2 [3480] 08:00:04:781: Service SDO is stopping
service: 1...
3 [3480] 08:00:04:781: IAS Core Manager stopped
service 1...
4 [5564] 08:00:39:190: Service SDO is starting
service: 1...
5 [5564] 08:00:39:190: IAS Core Manager is
updating component configuration...
6 [5564] 08:00:39:190: IAS Core Manager is
attaching to the local machine...
7 [5564] 08:00:39:190: Machine SDO is attempting
to attach to the local computer...
8 [5564] 08:00:39:190: Machine SDO is
initializing the IAS support services...
9 [5564] 08:00:39:230: Machine SDO is creating
the SDO schema...
10 [5564] 08:00:39:230: Machine SDO has
successfully attached to computer: 'PRODSERVER'...
11 [5564] 08:00:39:230: Machine SDO is attempting
to retrieve the Service SDO for service: IAS...
12 [5564] 08:00:39:901: IAS Core Manager is
configuring the auditors...
13 [5564] 08:00:39:911: IAS Core Manager is
configuring the dictionary...
14 [5564] 08:00:39:911: IAS Core Manager is
configuring the policy actions (profiles)...
15 [5564] 08:00:39:911: Machine SDO is retrieving
the Dictionary SDO...
16 [5564] 08:00:40:121: IAS Core Manager is
configuring the pipeline...
17 [5564] 08:00:40:482: IAS Core Manager is
configuring the protocols...
18 [5564] 08:00:40:672: IAS Core Manager
successfully started service 1...

and heres the napmmc.log

ID Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field5 Field6
2 [5308] 07:37:32: DLL Init

3 [5308] 07:37:32: AdviseRefresh, snapinnode:

4 [5308] 07:37:32: AdviseRefresh, snapinnode:

5 [5308] 07:37:32: AdviseRefresh, snapinnode:

6 [5452] 07:37:32: RAP NODE: CoInitialize() ,
hr = 0
7 [5636] 07:37:32: LOGGING NODE: CoInitialize
() , hr = 0
8 [5452] 07:37:32: RAP NODE:
CoCreateInstance , hr = 0
9 [5636] 07:37:32: LOGGING NODE:
CoCreateInstance, hr = 0
10 [5636] 07:37:32: LOGGING NODE:
ISdoMachine::Attach, hr = 0
11 [5452] 07:37:32: RAP NODE:
ISdoMachine::Attach , hr = 0
12 [5636] 07:37:32: LOGGING NODE: spSdoMachine-
GetServiceSDO, hr = 0
13 [5636] 07:37:32: LOGGING NODE:
spUnknownServiceSdo->QueryInterface IID_ISdo, hr = 0

14 [5636] 07:37:32: LOGGING NODE:
CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream IID_ISdo
spServiceSdo, hr = 0
15 [5452] 07:37:32: RAP NODE:
ISdoMachine::GetServiceSDO , hr = 0
16 [5452] 07:37:32: RAP NODE:
spUnknownServiceSdo->QueryInterface( IID_ISdo, hr = 0

17 [5452] 07:37:33: RAP NODE: spSdoMachine-
GetDictionarySDO , hr = 0
18 [5452] 07:37:33: RAP NODE:
IID_ISdoDictionaryOld, hr = 0
19 [5452] 07:37:33: "RAP NODE:
CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream IID_ISdo ,
spServiceSdo, hr = 0"
20 [5452] 07:37:33: "RAP NODE:
IID_ISdoDictionaryOld , spSdoDictionaryOld," hr =
21 [5308] 07:39:38: UnadviseRefresh,
22 [5308] 07:39:38: UnadviseRefresh,
23 [5308] 07:39:38: DLL Exit

24 [2744] 07:56:51: DLL Init

25 [2744] 07:56:51: AdviseRefresh, snapinnode:

26 [2744] 07:56:51: AdviseRefresh, snapinnode:

27 [2744] 07:56:51: AdviseRefresh, snapinnode:

28 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE: CoInitialize() ,
hr = 0
29 [5576] 07:56:51: LOGGING NODE: CoInitialize
() , hr = 0
30 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE:
CoCreateInstance , hr = 0
31 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE:
ISdoMachine::Attach , hr = 0
32 [5576] 07:56:51: LOGGING NODE:
CoCreateInstance, hr = 0
33 [5576] 07:56:51: LOGGING NODE:
ISdoMachine::Attach, hr = 0
34 [5576] 07:56:51: LOGGING NODE: spSdoMachine-
GetServiceSDO, hr = 0
35 [5576] 07:56:51: LOGGING NODE:
spUnknownServiceSdo->QueryInterface IID_ISdo, hr = 0

36 [5576] 07:56:51: LOGGING NODE:
CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream IID_ISdo
spServiceSdo, hr = 0
37 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE:
ISdoMachine::GetServiceSDO , hr = 0
38 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE:
spUnknownServiceSdo->QueryInterface( IID_ISdo, hr = 0

39 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE: spSdoMachine-
GetDictionarySDO , hr = 0
40 [608] 0 7:56:51: R AP NODE:
IID_ISdoDictionaryOld, hr = 0
41 [608] 0 7:56:51: R "AP NODE:
CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream IID_ISdo ,
spServiceSdo, hr = 0"
42 [608] 0 7:56:51: R "AP NODE:
IID_ISdoDictionaryOld , spSdoDictionaryOld, h" r =

thank you for your help

Peter Copland

-----Original Message-----
can you get us the trace log
run " netsh ras set tr * en" repro and then post iassdo.log and napmmc.log
from %windir%\tracing folder


This posting is provided "AS IS", with NO warranties and confers NO rights

Upcoming Event: Tech Chat about "Secure Wireless authentication using IAS,
on September 25th at 10AM PT siteid=34000081


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