Reminders - help needed

  • Thread starter Thread starter Neil Hindry
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Neil Hindry

I wonder if you can help me with a something I want to do in Outlook. I want
to be able to enter things like people's birthday for example and I want to
be reminded of it on the day or a set number of days before hand. However,
I do not want to have to specify a time of day as I never know what time I
am going to turn on my PC. Also I want a birthday reminder to recur each
year without me needing to enter it each year.
Anyone know how I can do this in Outlook or even if it is possible?

Also I need to know whether I have to open Outlook every day or whether it
will automatically remind me without opening it up. Can anyone help me with
these queries?

The reason I want to use Outlook is because I am going to buy a HP iPAQ PDA
in the next few days and that uses Outlook as its organiser.
I hope someone can help me.

I appreciate any help and information given.

You can set up a new event (an "all day" appointment) for each birthday and
set a yearly recurrence pattern on it, to recur on the same day of the same
month each year. You can set a reminder on that event for however many days
in advance, and then you can snooze or change the reminder to a shorter
advance time if necessary (it will only affect that one occurence if you
open it from the Day/Week/Month view). You will need to have Outlook open
to receive any reminders you have set -- when you open Outlook, any due or
overdue reminders will fire.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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