Reminder Notice



For the past couple days, I get a Reminder notice that says "The page cannot be displayed". I am assuming that some program is trying to connect to the internet through an abandoned site. The problem is that I cannot locate the program that is attempting to connect. The only way to remove the reminder box is through control-alt-delete. It goes away and returns again in about 20 minutes
Can anyone tell me how I can find out what program is causing this and how to get rid of it. It is annoying!

John Ski

Subject: Reminder Notice
From: "=?Utf-8?B?YnJhc3NhcmQ=?=" (e-mail address removed)
Date: 6/3/2004 6:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <[email protected]>

For the past couple days, I get a Reminder notice that says "The page cannot
be displayed". I am assuming that some program is trying to connect to the
internet through an abandoned site. The problem is that I cannot locate the
program that is attempting to connect. The only way to remove the reminder
box is through control-alt-delete. It goes away and returns again in about 20
Can anyone tell me how I can find out what program is causing this and how to
get rid of it. It is annoying!
Adaware Personal Edition from .

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
***Arthur C. Clarke***

Raj Kumar Rathi S


To isolate the application, please follow the steps below:

The issue you are experiencing may be the result of a
program that runs during startup. To determine which
program is causing the issue, please follow these steps:

Note: Some programs may not automatically start after
Msconfig has been run. However, most programs can be
opened using a manual method.

1. From the Start menu, click Run. In the Run dialog
box, type: Msconfig, and then click OK.

2. Click the Startup tab, and then click to clear each
check box on the list.

3. Once all the items on the Startup tab have been
unchecked, click OK, and then restart your computer when
you are prompted.

Test for the issue.

Note: If the issue is intermittent you may need to test
the computer for that specific issue, until you feel
comfortable that the issue would have reappeared.

If the issue is resolved, please follow these steps:

1. From the Start menu, click Run. In the Run dialog box
in the Open text box, type: Msconfig, and then click OK.

2. On the Startup tab, click to select the first check
box in the list.

3. Click OK, and then restart your computer when you are

4. Determine whether the issue is resolved.

5. Once you are confident that the issue has been
resolved, repeat step 1 through step 3, but click to
select the next check box in the list.

If the issue returns, the last check box that was cleared
loaded a program that is preventing Windows from working
properly. Once the item is discovered, please leave it
cleared, and then verify that all other startup items are
checked. If the computer continues to function properly,
reconnect any external devices that may have been
disconnected in previous troubleshooting steps. If the
computer still continues to function properly,
troubleshoot the startup item that is causing the issue.
A common troubleshooting step is to remove and reinstall
the associated program.

Hope this help!

-----Original Message-----
For the past couple days, I get a Reminder notice that
says "The page cannot be displayed". I am assuming that
some program is trying to connect to the internet through
an abandoned site. The problem is that I cannot locate the
program that is attempting to connect. The only way to
remove the reminder box is through control-alt-delete. It
goes away and returns again in about 20 minutes.
Can anyone tell me how I can find out what program is
causing this and how to get rid of it. It is annoying!



If you are running AOL instant messenger: Search for this exe and delete
it. hpsdpapp.exe

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