chris said:
I would like to reformat my computers hard drive
(DELL)...I have an XP disc, but need to know what steps I
need to use to do this. I ask because I believe the new
XP discs can only be reloaded under strict guidelines
which I know nothing about...
Backup your important data files.
Unhook your computer from ALL Internet connection possibilities.
Change your BIOS to boot from CD.
Put your Windows XP CD in the CD Drive.
Reboot the machine.
Follow the install prompts to the "choose partition to install on" and
delete the old partition and create a new one.
Continue with the install.
When it is done, turn on your firewall.
Reconnect computer to the Internet.
Download all the critical updates from:
Grab all the latest drivers for your hardware from Dell.
Install your favorite Antivirus software.
Install all your favorite Internet Plugins (Acrobat, Shockwave, QuickTime,
Install all of your used applications (Microsoft Office? Photoshop?)
Continue with life as normal after a month, your computer should be almost
normal. =)