Reloading Windows Explorer on XP

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I'm sorry, I mean Internet Explorer. I'm having problems with it. I can't
download or send any E-mails in any E-mail program I have. My ISP said it's
because of corruption in my I.E. I started having problems after downloading
and installing a very large update from the Windows Update window a rew
months ago. I can't view any movie clips in it from the Internet. I' losing
a lot of abilities with it. What's the easiest way to uninstall and
reinstall it? Thank you. Ben J.
I can't download or send any E-mails in any E-mail program I have.

What email programs? What happens when you try to receive or send mail?
My ISP said it's because of corruption in my I.E.

Only consult your ISP about connection issues, unless you bought your PC or
Windows verson from them.
...I started having problems
after downloading and installing a very large update from the Windows
Update window a rew months ago.

Was it Windows XP SP2?
...I can't view any movie clips in it from
the Internet

What happens when you try to view such clips? Are you attempting to play
clips on a web-site?
Thank you for your reply. To answer your questions:

1) What email programs? Microsoft Outlook 2000 and Outlook Express
2) What happens when you try to receive or send mail? When I try to receive
E-mail, in my “Receive mail from account…†window, after over one minute, it
times out. I then get a message in this window that states “A timeout
occurred while communicating with the server. (Account:
‘’, POP3 Server ‘’, Error
Number:0x800ccc19).†When I try to send E-mail, in my “Sending mail from
account…†window, after over one minute, it times out. I then get a message
in this window that states “A timeout occurred while communicating with the
server. (Account: ‘’, SMTP Server
‘’, Error Number:0x800ccc19). A TCP/IP error occurred
while trying to connect to the server. . (Account: ‘’,
POP3 Server ‘’, Error Number:0x800ccc15).â€
3) You said †Only consult your ISP about connection issues, unless you
bought your PC or Windows version from them.†I did consult them. They said
to either reformat my computer and reinstall my operating system, or to
uninstall and reinstall my Internet Explorer program (which I believe would
be much easier). That’s why I asked how to do the latter.
4) Was it Windows XP SP2? I am almost certain of this. It really messed up
my computer; I couldn’t even reach my desktop. I had to reinstall Windows XP
over the copy already installed on the computer at the direction of the Dell
tech helping me; however, it still left some problems as I’ve described here.
5) Are you attempting to play clips on a web-site? Yes
6) What happens when you try to view such clips? No matter what program I
use, e.g. Windows Media, Real Player, or Quicktime, it would time out. I
can’t even download updates now for some of these programs anymore. I can’t
even access or even load or use my Yahoo IM program.

Thank you. Ben J.
Email problem: Disable email scanning by your anti-virus application, if
enabled. It provides no additional protection and even Symantec says it's
not necessary:

Disabling Email Scanning does not leave you unprotected against viruses that
are distributed as email attachments. Norton AntiVirus Auto-Protect scans
incoming files as they are saved to your hard drive, including email and
email attachments. Email Scanning is just another layer on top of this. To
make sure that Auto-Protect is providing the maximum protection, keep
Auto-Protect enabled and run LiveUpdate regularly to ensure that you have
the most recent virus definitions.

Troubleshooting error messages that you receive when you are using OL and OE

ISPs: Don't consult them about technical matters having to do with your
computer. Obviously you're connecting fine so leave them out of the loop.
Consult Dell Support, computer forums and newsgroups instead.

Windows Update/SP2: It sounds like you're back to running WinXP SP1,
correct? If so, I'd hazard to guess that malware already present on your
system (1) caused the problem with updating to SP2 and (2) is causing some
of your current problems.

Help with Hijackware
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (Shell, IE/OE) & Security

Mastering Newsgroups in Outlook Express