David Yang said:
I have a C++/C++.net application. Release version crashes on the Multi-CPU
box but Debug version works well. And release version works well on
single-cpu box.
Any idea?
As I tell my coworkers:
More information is needed than just "my application crashes". What is the
error message? Are you getting an exception? Is it hanging? Is it a GUI
program that's doing cross thread calls into controls improperly? Have you
attached a debugger to the release version and tried trapping the exception?
Are you a multithreaded app, and if so are you using shared resources
properly (i.e. volatile members, locks, monitors, Interlocked increments,
It's probably a cross thread variable examiniation that isn't interlocked
properly on the multiprocessor machine or a cross thread GUI call.
Doug Semler, MCPD
a.a. #705, BAAWA. EAC Guardian of the Horn of the IPU (pbuhh).
The answer is 42; DNRC o-
Gur Hfrarg unf orpbzr fb shyy bs penc gurfr qnlf, abbar rira
erpbtavmrf fvzcyr guvatf yvxr ebg13 nalzber. Fnq, vfa'g vg?