I have a form which, on opening creates a temp table. This table is then
attached to the form. If the user by mistake open the from it will create the
When trying to delete the table on closing of the form I get a
message that the table can't be delete because it is still in use.
I need to know how to release the table, so that it is no longer in use, to
delete the table on closing of the form.
The code I am using is very simple:
An SQL statement to create the table if it doesn't already exist.
Then using "me.recordsource = tablename" to attached the table to the form.
And then "DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tablename" to a command button if
form was incorrectly opened.
Any help will be appreciated.
attached to the form. If the user by mistake open the from it will create the

message that the table can't be delete because it is still in use.
I need to know how to release the table, so that it is no longer in use, to
delete the table on closing of the form.
The code I am using is very simple:
An SQL statement to create the table if it doesn't already exist.
Then using "me.recordsource = tablename" to attached the table to the form.
And then "DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tablename" to a command button if
form was incorrectly opened.
Any help will be appreciated.