John Lewis
From Avault:-
" ATI has issued the final release in the 3.X series of Catalyst
drivers. The next release will kick off the 4.X series. The current
version upgrades the Multimedia Center to version 8.8 and the Windows
driver to version 7.962. The new release also adds support for the
OpenGL Shading Language - a graphics programming language that allows
application developers to take advantage of the programmable vertex
and pixel processing units present in 3D graphics systems. ATI also
says the new drivers improve performance in various 2D applications by
as much as six percent across the entire RADEON product line. The new
drivers also incorporate various fixes for the following games:
Comanche 4
Madden 2004
Blade of Darkness
Battle Field 1942
Call of Duty
Flight Simulator 2004
Homeworld 2
Jedi Academy
Formula 1 2002
Lord of the Realms 3
4x4 Evolution
Indiana Jones
Halo Combat Evolved "
-------- end of quote............
Quite a list.
For me this comes as an interesting revelation. Compiled from
samplings of Ati-user comments on the Ati and nVidia newsgroups,
all of the above games ran perfectly under the previous Cat 3.x
drivers. Obviously Ati's recent Cat attempts have been so focussed
on Half-Life 2 optimizations that a few minor(?) things in the other
games must have escaped them. Misplaced shadows etc........
Now that HL2 is delayed, fingers are now available to plug other
leaking holes in their driver dike.
At least Ati is now making another attempt at a working
OpenGL port. Doom3 is obviously staring them down
the throat.
Maybe the 4.xx drivers will fix the rest of the latest games not
listed here. Also, by the time Release #10 of the 4.xx series
is available, OpenGL should be sorta working......

Now, which color hard-hat should I wear today ??
John Lewis
" ATI has issued the final release in the 3.X series of Catalyst
drivers. The next release will kick off the 4.X series. The current
version upgrades the Multimedia Center to version 8.8 and the Windows
driver to version 7.962. The new release also adds support for the
OpenGL Shading Language - a graphics programming language that allows
application developers to take advantage of the programmable vertex
and pixel processing units present in 3D graphics systems. ATI also
says the new drivers improve performance in various 2D applications by
as much as six percent across the entire RADEON product line. The new
drivers also incorporate various fixes for the following games:
Comanche 4
Madden 2004
Blade of Darkness
Battle Field 1942
Call of Duty
Flight Simulator 2004
Homeworld 2
Jedi Academy
Formula 1 2002
Lord of the Realms 3
4x4 Evolution
Indiana Jones
Halo Combat Evolved "
-------- end of quote............
Quite a list.
For me this comes as an interesting revelation. Compiled from
samplings of Ati-user comments on the Ati and nVidia newsgroups,
all of the above games ran perfectly under the previous Cat 3.x
drivers. Obviously Ati's recent Cat attempts have been so focussed
on Half-Life 2 optimizations that a few minor(?) things in the other
games must have escaped them. Misplaced shadows etc........
Now that HL2 is delayed, fingers are now available to plug other
leaking holes in their driver dike.
At least Ati is now making another attempt at a working
OpenGL port. Doom3 is obviously staring them down
the throat.
Maybe the 4.xx drivers will fix the rest of the latest games not
listed here. Also, by the time Release #10 of the 4.xx series
is available, OpenGL should be sorta working......

Now, which color hard-hat should I wear today ??
John Lewis